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dnf各大职业必练角色-Undecided voters not swayed by last debate, ‘still on the fence’ about the election: report

时间:2024-09-20 07:03:44 来源:春冰虎尾网 作者:知识 阅读:896次
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close Howard Kurtz: Trump was fact-checked 5 times compared to 0 for Kamala HarrisVideo

Howard Kurtz: Trump was fact-checked 5 times compared to 0 for Kamala Harris

‘MediaBuzz’ host Howard Kurtz gives his take on the ABC News Presidential Debate on ‘Special Report.’ (Courtesy: ABC News)

The New York Times spoke with undecided voters about their reactions after Tuesday's presidential debate, where a majority of them expressed being unswayed by the performances of both candidates. 

"When Trump was in office — not going to lie — I was living way better," Miller, 34, added. "I’ve never been so down as in the past four years. It’s been so hard for me."

Fox News’ Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.


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